Tragic Jungle

Tragic Jungle came out in October (2020) but when will it come to Netflix?

Here is all the information about Tragic Jungle release date on Netflix (USA). Details include the date it was added to Netflix, the ratings, cast, the plot, and more. Scroll down for more information.

Tragic Jungle is a drama movie directed by Yulene Olaizola. The film was first released on October 13, 2020, and has a 5.6 rating on IMDb.

Tragic Jungle is coming out on Netflix on June 9, 2021. Let’s look at the cast, movie plot, reviews, and what’s new on Netflix. ⬇️

Movie Name
Tragic Jungle
Release Year
2020 (US)
1 hour 36 minutes
IMDd Rating
Yulene Olaizola
Original Release Date
October 13, 2020
How to Watch
IMDb Website
March 2025

📅 All release dates

Tragic Jungle is came out scheduled to be released on Netflix on Wednesday, June 9, 2021. We use publicly available data such as NetflixSchedule and NetflixDates to ensure that our release date information is accurate. Some Netflix titles are considered original in one country but not in another and may not be available in your region. Additionally, dates may change, so check back frequently as we update this page.

📽️ Theater Release Date
October 13, 2020 (US)
📀 Netflix DVD Release Date
📺 Netflix Streaming
June 9, 2021

You can start watching Tragic Jungle at 3:01 AM ET (Eastern) on the east coast and 1:01 AM PT (Pacific) if you’re on the west coast. And, 3:01 AM CT (Central), 2:01 AM MST (Mountain).

Check the availability in your country:

🎞️ Plot

1920, on the border between Mexico and Belize. Deep in the Mayan jungle, a lawless territory where myths abound, a group of Mexican gum workers cross paths with Agnes, a mysterious young …

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Cast

Tragic Jungle is starring Indira Rubie Andrewin, Gilberto Barraza, Mariano Tun Xool, Eligio Meléndez.


IMDb: Tragic Jungle has an IMDb rating of 5.6/10 based on 569 user votes.

Rotten Tomatoes: Rotten Tomatoes gave Tragic Jungle a 88% score.

Please note, these reviews are only accurate at the time of writing. Tragic Jungle reviews will be updated regularly.

🧐 Rated

Tragic Jungle is rated: TV-MA. A TV-MA is the strongest TV rating, which means it includes anything that would be rated R or NC-17 by the Rating Board. These programs are intended to be viewed by mature, adult audiences and may be unsuitable for children under 17.

Watch Tragic Jungle on:

⁉️ FAQ

Who is the director of Tragic Jungle?
Tragic Jungle was produced by Varios Lobos, Manny Films, Contravía Films, ZOOLOGÍA FANTÁSTICA, and Malacosa Cine, with a budget of $1 million and was initially released on October 13, 2020.

Where you can stream Tragic Jungle?
You can stream Tragic Jungle on Amazon Video or Netflix. Visit Tragic Jungle official website for more details.

Is Tragic Jungle a Netflix Original?
Tragic Jungle is a Netflix Original movie released in 2020.

When did Tragic Jungle come out?
Tragic Jungle was originally released on Tuesday, October 13, 2020. The film has been released approximately 4 years, 4 months, and 21 days ago.

Related references

Below are interesting links related to Tragic Jungle:

– See what’s new on Netflix June 2021.
– Find out what movies and shows came out on June 9th.
– Everything you should know about June 9, 2021.

Levi Sterling
Levi Sterling
Levi Sterling is the creator of the website, which provides information on the newest Netflix releases as well as reviews, and Netflix's original releases.